Ordering Information

We ship seedlings in the spring.  For a number of cultural reasons including the availability of viable seed and the validity of our estimates of the rate of growth of the protocorms in culture, we do not offer all our species each season or even every year.

We ship seedlings by U.S. Postal Service or UPS, at our option.  The minimum acceptable order is 6 seedlings of one species.  We no longer ship internationally.

Payment should be in U.S. funds by check or money order.  We no longer accept Paypal or credit card payment.

To reserve seedlings, please email or call us: E-mail: ladyslippers@paulbunyan.net, Phone: 218-247-0245.  If you have sent an email to us and haven't heard back within 24 hours, please call us at 218-247-0245.  Messages sometimes don't get through.

Here is our species list.  We will try to keep this list as current as possible.

For your convenience there is an order form that you can print out: order form

1% for Orchid Conservation Logo.
Spangle Creek Labs is participating in the 1% for Orchid Conservation program of the Orchid Conservation Coalition.  Under this program, we have pledged to contribute 1% of our net revenues to in situ orchid conservation projects or organizations.  Read more about the OCC and the 1% FOC program here.

Photo of Carol

Carol circa 1995 handling a disgruntled customer! Carol is business manager, i.e., "Mom" in our Mom and Pop operation. Because of her background in business and business administration, she is able to handle customer service, our accounts, shipping, taxes, the office, and the phone. In ordering from us, you will no doubt be dealing with her at some level. No, it's not really a customer, and it's not even our snake.
